There are instances where life insurance can be beneficial even if you have no dependents, the most basic of which would be covering your own funeral expenses. There may be many other reasons too. Here are some guidelines to help you decide if life insurance is the right choice for you:

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Term life insurance, also known as pure life insurance, is life insurance that guarantees payment of a death benefit during a specified term.


Universal life insurance is permanent life insurance with an investment savings element and low premiums like term life insurance.


An indexed universal life insurance policy gives the policy holder the opportunity to allocate cash value amounts to either a fixed account or an equity index account.


Final expense insurance is designed to cover the bills that your loved ones will face after your death. These costs will include medical bills and funeral expenses.

Why choose us?

NO Medical exam require

Paramedic exam in your own house. We schedule it at your connivance.

Fast Application

Most of our applications can be completed in less than 20 minutes with just a few questions.

flexible payments

We build life insurance policies to best fit your budget, and most important your needs.

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